Thursday 15 June 2023

Explaining the Basic Nutritional Concept to Children

Teaching children about nutritional concepts helps them develop healthy eating habits. But while explaining, ensure you keep the information simple and easy enough for them to understand; Tell them what different food provides to the body, such as vitamins and minerals, and how they can make healthy eating choices, etc. In this blog, we will help you teach your kids about nutrition.

1. Give them age-appropriate information

A balanced diet helps kids nourish their bodies and encourages their overall growth and development. And a balanced diet contains a variety of nutrients, such as vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and minerals, but it is difficult to explain this to little ones. So, keep it simple, and instead of telling them milk contains calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, tell them milk keeps bones and teeth strong. But to older children, you can explain the science like, if you are having urad dal or black lentil at dinner, tell them that urad dal contains proteins which help strengthen our bones, etc.

2. Let your child pick groceries and help you with cooking

You can raise children’s interest in healthy eating by letting them help you choose groceries, as this will allow you to teach them how to choose healthy foods. Another way to teach them about nutrition is to engage them in cooking; During meal preparation, you can teach them about different ingredients, food groups, and the nutritional value of everything you are adding to the food. We know you do several things to prioritize your kids nutrition, but by taking their help in cooking and picking groceries, you can encourage them to make healthy eating an essential part of their life.

3. Reduce their sugar intake

Whether you follow a vegan, vegetarian, or non-vegetarian diet, one certain thing is- your child's attraction towards sweets. We know no mother wants to act like police, but you can teach your kids to consume sugar in moderation. One of the best ways is to educate them on how consuming excess sugar impact health, such as tooth decay. You can also provide them with healthy sugar snack options, such as fruit salad or something that is made at home with natural sweeteners such as honey.

4. Model good eating habits

If you are a picky eater, keep in mind that your preferences will impact your child's eating behavior. So, become a positive role model by trying a variety of foods and eating a balanced diet; Your children will imitate your behavior and make an effort to try new things. You can seek the help of a pediatrician or a dietitian in Chandigarh to get personalized advice for your little one's needs. 

5. Consult a doctor or nutritionist

If you think your children have gained or lost weight, it’s not good to put them on a diet without a doctor's guidance; Doctors provide valuable diet tips for children that help them manage their weight effectively. So, seek a reliable doctor and discuss your child's mealtime behaviors and food portions with them. 

A doctor or dietitian will provide a personalized online diet plan according to your child’s age, growth, and individual needs.

The key takeaways

Though explaining nutrition to children is tricky, it is necessary as unhealthy eating leads to chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, etc. The above tips will help you explain this crucial concept to your children, irrespective of their age. Keep teaching your children about the benefits of eating healthy and encourage them to pick nutritious food.


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